Nishue v4.1- CryptoCurrency Buy Sell Exchange and Lending with MLM System Live Crypto


Nishue is the complete cryptocurrency lending program Software with multi-level marketing. every user level will get the commission of his lower has another wonderful cryptocurrency analysing live data compare system. INSTALLATIONTo install it:1. Upload main files to root web directory (generally public_html or your subdomain directory)2. Create database and database user.3. Import database from /install/sql/install.sql as well as publicassetsdatabackupbackup.sql4. Edit .env file in the root web directory (#23 and #52 to #56). While editing the .env file don’t forget to remove the “#” before the commands as shown in the below image.5. Go to your SQL Database, click on the admin table and add a new user as shown below6. After editing and uploading the .sql file as well as .env file, go to It will work Like a Charm



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